The National Futsal League and the green-and-white sustainability platform join forces to carry out actions that promote environmental care

Once again, sport and sustainability come together to care for the planet. The Spanish National Futsal League has joined the sustainable platform Forever Green to collaborate in social awareness actions on the importance of recycling, among other actions, for the fight against climate change.

Bajo el lema No Planet. No Futsal., la LNFS y Forever Green han unido sus fuerzas y promoverán de manera conjunta campañas de concienciación sobre el cuidado del planeta y la lucha contra el cambio climático. Las primeras acciones darán su pistoletazo de salida durante las últimas jornadas de Liga con la participación de todos los equipos pertenecientes a la LNFS.

“Sports institutions have an inherent social responsibility. We are entities that reach many people, we manage emotions and joining Forever Green is a nice opportunity to help society and the environment,” said Javier Lozano, president of the LNFS, during the signing of the adhesion to Forever Green at the Benito Villamarín Stadium.

The announcement of this union has been made coinciding with World Recycling Day and is that one of the first actions to be carried out will be the installation of plastic recycling containers behind the benches of the teams to recycle the players’ water bottles in La Liga matches, in addition to the distribution of bottles of sustainable and recycled material for the teams.

With this agreement, the National Futsal League becomes the second major national league, after LaLiga that joins Forever Green. Alliances that seek to involve and raise awareness among all sports fans in general.

“Joining an institution of such weight and national scope as the LNFS is a privilege that will allow us to reach many more places with the message of Forever Green,” said Rafael Muela, manager of the Real Betis Foundation during the presentation of this alliance.

About Forever Green

Forever Green is the sustainability platform promoted by Real Betis Balompié that harnesses the power of sport to protect the planet and fight the climate crisis. Its action is divided into five areas: mobility, recycling, climate change, nature and Club. Among the projects already carried out are campaigns to recycle electrical and electronic waste, promote sustainable transport among employees, creation of a specific volunteer corps for Forever Green, participation in events such as the Climathon, Rehabilitaverde or adherence to The Climate Plegde and the UN initiative ‘Climate Neutral Now’.

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