The world of culture and sport join forces to develop an awareness campaign on the importance of caring for the environment

The Seville European Film Festival and Forever Green have joined forces to fight climate change.
The sustainability platform – promoted by Real Betis Balompié – and the SEFF will jointly develop actions to raise awareness about caring for the planet.

The first of these has been the installation of Forever Green containers in some of the Festival’s venues, such as in the Nervión Plaza cinemas.

“For us it is very important to join the world of culture and especially cinema, with which we share values such as the commitment to the environment with the creation of the Green Seal of the Film Academy for a sustainable film industry,” said Rafael Muela, manager of the Real Betis Balompié Foundation and spokesman for Forever Green.

Forever Green

Forever Green Forever Green is a sustainability platform that harnesses the power of sports to protect the planet and be a spokesperson for those companies that want to show the world what they do for the environment. Members of this initiative commit to working towards the zero emissions challenge, undertaking joint actions that promote environmental care, and implementing measures to regenerate natural spaces affected by climate change. Among the projects already carried out are campaigns for recycling electrical and electronic waste, promoting sustainable transportation among employees and fans, creating a specific volunteer corps for Forever Green, cleaning days in natural environments, and participation in events such as the Climathon, or joining The Climate Pledge and the UN initiative ‘Climate Neutral Now’. Sports entities as important as the National Futsal League of Spain and the Mexican first division basketball team Abejas de León have also joined the Forever Green movement.

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